Agaléga Island

Agaléga Island

Question- Agalega Island is situated in-
(1) Mauritius
(2) Phillippines
(3) Maldivies
(4) Bangladesh
Ans. (a)
Related facts-

  • On August 3, Al Jazeera published an extensive investigation into the development of a military facility on North Agaléga island, which is part of the island nation of Mauritius.
  • It revealed that Indian workers are laying the groundwork for what is expected to be an Indian naval military facility.
  • Although both the Mauritian and Indian governments are denying it.
  • The small, remote Mauritian island of North Agalega located in the south-western Indian Ocean, 1,122 kilometres north of Mauritius.

By- Yogesh Pratap Singh
