Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India Bill 2021

Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India Bill 2021

Question : On which date the Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India Bill 2021 was passed in Parliament ?
a. 04 AUG 2021
b. 03 AUG 2021
c. 01 AUG 2021
d. None of the above
Ans. a.
Related facts —

  • The Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India Bill 2021 was passed in Parliament on August 04, 2021.
  • Key points —
  • Bill amends definition of ‘major airport’ allowing tariff determination of a ‘group of airports’.
  • The bill to encourage the development of smaller airports
  • The intention of the government is to develop not only the high traffic volume & profitable airports but also the low traffic volume of non-profitable airports.
  • The revenue earned by AAI from these airports will be utilized for the development of airports in Tier-II and Tier-III cities.
  • This approach would help in the development of more airports through the PPP route thus, expanding the air connectivity to relatively remote and far-flung areas.
