India at 88th position in money parked with Swiss banks

India slips to 88th position in money parked with Swiss banks

Question: Which bank of Switzerland has revealed data on foreign deposits in swiss banks?
(a) Swiss National Bank
(b)RBS Coutts Bank AG.
(c)Barclays Bank
(d)Standard Chartered Bank (Switzerland)
Answer- (a)
Related facts:

  • On June 29th, 2017, Switzerland’s central bank ‘Swiss National Bank’ (SNB) made public the country wise statistics of the money deposited by foreigners in Switzerland.
  • India has slipped to 88th place in terms of money parked by its citizens with Swiss banks, while the UK remained on the top.
  • The money held by Indians is only 0.04 percent of the funds held in swiss banks by foreign clients.
  • A fund held by Indians in year 2016 in the Swiss banks was the lowest since 1987.
  • India was placed at 75th position in 2015 and at 61st in the year before that, though it used to be among top-50 countries till 2007.
  • The total money held in Swiss banks by foreign clients from across the world, incidentally rose by a small margin from 1.41 trillion (1421 billion) Swiss francs to 1.42 trillion Swiss francs during 2016.
  • Pakistan continued to remain placed higher than India at 71st place (although down from 69th in 2015) with about CHF 1.4 billion.
  • Amongst the other BRICS nations — Russia is ranked 19th (CHF 15.6 billion), China 25th (CHF 9.6 billion), Brazil 52nd (CHF 2.7 billion) and South Africa 61st (CHF 2.2 billion).
