Radhika Menon

Radhika Menon

Question: Recently Radhika Menon has become the first woman in the world to receive the Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea for 2016, from the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). She is working in-
(a) Indian Navy
(b) Indian Merchant Navy
(c) Indian Army
(d) Indian Airforce
Ans: (b)
Related facts:

  • Captain Radhika Menon the first woman captain in the Indian Merchant Navy become the first woman to receive the IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea-2016, from the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
  • Menon was at the helm of oil tanker ‘SampurnaSwarajya’ of Shipping Corporation of India.
  • The Awards ceremony is expected to take place at IMO Headquarters, on 21 November 2016, at the end of the first day of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC).
  • She has been awarded for her role in the dramatic rescue of seven fishermen from a sinking fishing boat in tumultuous seas in the Bay of Bengal in June 2015.
  • The IMO Council, meeting for its 116th session in London, endorsed the decision of a Panel of Judges that Captain Menon displayed great determination and courage in leading the difficult rescue operation in the Bay of Bengal.
  • This annual Award was established by IMO to provide international recognition for those who, at the risk of losing their own life, perform acts of exceptional bravery, displaying outstanding courage in attempting to save life at sea or in attempting to prevent or mitigate damage to the marine environment.
