Rail Madad

Rail Madad

Q. Which of the following Indian Railway platform provide the integrated & innovative one-stop solution for customer grievance, enquiry, suggestion and assistance through multiple channels, namely, Web, App, SMS, Social Media?
a) Indian Rail Info.
b) IRCTC mobile
c) Rail Madad
d) None of these

  • Indian Railway has launched Rail Madad(Mobile Application for Desired Assistance During travel), the integrated & innovative one-stop solution for customer grievance, enquiry, suggestion and assistance, providing passengers the choice to access Rail Madad through multiple channels, namely, Web, App, SMS, Social Media and Helpline number (139) during the journey for expeditious resolution of their complaints.
  • The app for the first time completely digitized the Complaint management system. It integrates RPGRAMS (Railway Passenger Grievance Redressal and Management System) developed by Northern Railway (Delhi Division).
  • It registers complaint of passengers with minimum inputs. It also has option of photo and issues unique ID instantly.
  • It relays complaint online to relevant field officials for immediate action. The action taken on complaint is also relayed to passenger through SMS.
  • A number of help lines that earlier existed on the Railways for various purposes have been merged into one helpline i.e. 139.
  • It can be used for all enquiry needs and for complaint making.
  • 139 helpline facilities is available round the clock in 12 languages.
  • 99.93% complaints received through 139 helpline get closed and 72% of the feedback given by complainants is ‘Excellent’ or ‘Satisfactory’ in FY 2020-21.

