Assam-Mizoram to resolve boundary dispute

Assam-Mizoram to resolve boundary dispute

Question: Consider the following statements:
i) Inter-state boundary dispute between Assam and Mizoram has its root in the colonial era laws.
ii) To settle the dispute peacefully, both state has decided to follow Ministry of Home Affairs directives and deploy only central forces at the areas of dispute.
Which of the above are correct?

a) i
b) ii
c) i and ii
d) none
Ans: c

  • Senior ministers from governments of Assam and Mizoram held a detailed discussion on August 5, 2021 and released a joint statement stating that boundary disputes would be resolved amicably.

Related Facts

  • On 2nd Augusts 2021, violent clashes erupted at the state border of Assam and Mizoram killing at least five Assam Police personnel due to old border dispute between the two states.
  • Since then situation has been tense between two states and Central Ministry of Home Affairs have to get involved to calm the tension.
  • Now both states have decided to follow the Home Ministry instruction and settle the dispute peacefully.
  • Both states have decided to withdraw state security forces from the disputed border site and only central forces to deployed at the site till the situation is resolved.

Background of the Dispute

  • The boundary between present-day Assam and Mizoram, 165 km long today, dates back to the colonial era, when Mizoram was known as Lushai Hills, a district of Assam.
  • The dispute stems from a notification of 1875 that differentiated the Lushai Hills from the plains of Cachar, and another of 1933, that demarcates a boundary between the Lushai Hills and Manipur.
  • Mizoram follows 1875 demarcation while Assam follows 1933 demarcation leading to dispute.

By kameshwar shukla
