Dinosaur Embryo from a Perfectly-preserved Fossilised Egg Discovered

Dinosaur Embryo from a Perfectly-preserved Fossilised Egg Discovered

Question: Scientists from which of the following country discovered a Embryo from a Perfectly-preserved Fossilised Egg of the Dinosaur?
a) USA
b) India
c) China
d) Russia
Answer: (c)
Related Facts:-

  • Scientists recently announced the discovery of perfectly-preserved dinosaur embryo from a fossilised egg.
  • This kind of perfectly-preserved dinosaur embryo in an egg of fossilied form now for the first time discovered in Ganzhou China.
  • The specimen, which the scientists reckon was preparing to hatch just like a chicken, is one of the most complete dinosaur embryos ever found.
  • The embryo, which is thought to be between 72 to 66 million years old, has been named Baby Yingliang.
  • The scientists concluded the baby to be a toothless theropod dinosaur or oviraptorosaur.
  • The egg is 7cm-long and 8cm-wide, and the skeleton is 24cm in length.
  • It is one of the best dinosaur embryos ever found in history of discoveries related to Dinosaurs and their body remains.
  • Dr Fion Waisum Ma, a University of Birmingham researcher co-authored a paper in the journal iScience, related to this new discovery.

By Rajesh Tripathi
