Extended Troika Talks

Extended Troika Talks

Question: Upon the matter of which of the following country on August 11 2021 in Doha, the extended troika talks will be convened by the Russia?
a) Pakistan
b) Turkey
c) India
d) Afghanistan
Answer: (d)
Related Facts:-

  • On August 11 2021; the extended troika talks on Afghanistan will be convened by Russia in Doha.
  • It should be noted that India has not been invited to this kind of meeting in which US, China and Pakistan would be the three parties along with Russia.
  • Russia’s Special Presidential Envoy for Afghanistan, Zamir Kabulov, had made it clear on July 20, 2021 in Moscow.
  • He said that India cannot participate in the format of the expanded group of three because it did not have any influence on the Taliban.
  • The extended troika meeting was called by Russia to push intra-Afghan talks to find a political settlement in Afghanistan.
  • The meeting is being called at a time when the Taliban have launched a massive offensive that has recently been expanded to cities such as Kandahar, Herat and Lashkargah.
  • The extended troika held its last two meetings in Moscow on March 18 and in Doha on April 30.
  • The Indian side has opposed the inclusion of Pakistan, which New Delhi contends is backing the Taliban.
  • The format of the Extended Troika with is convened exclusively to facilitate the launch of the intra-Afghan talks leading to national accord.
  • The envoy explained, only countries that have an unequivocal influence on both sides of the conflict participate.
  • The reason behind not inviting India is that of contradictions of India and Pakistan are being projected on the situation in Afghanistan. “
  • The Russian envoy said, the Indians suspect the Pakistanis of striving to use Afghanistan as a strategic rear and the Pakistanis suspect India of wanting to use Afghan territories to harm Pakistan’s interests.
  • Russia is of the view that India’s future efforts, in a more expanded format, will only be welcomed.
  • This expanded format will involve Afghanistan’s post-conflict development.
  • Russian envoy specified India’s clout and its role are rather significant in the Afghanistan’s post-conflict development. at an online discussion of the international Valdai discussion club.
