The first Nordic-Baltic youth film festival

Nordic-Baltic youth film festival

Question: Where was the first Nordic Baltic Youth Film Festival held recently?
(a) Copenhagen
(b) New Delhi
(c) Oslo
(d) Helsinki
Answer: (b) 
Related Facts:

  • During November 13-18, 2017, first Nordic-Baltic Youth Film Festival was organized at the India Habitat Center in New Delhi.
  • This was organized by the Nordic & Baltic Embassies in India, in collaboration with Habitat World, India Habitat Centre.
  • At the ceremony, a diverse mix of some of the most prestigious and Oscars nominated films were performed.
  • The festival began with Land of Mine from Denmark, an Oscar-nominated film about young German prisoners of World War II.
  • The festival gave the Indian audience an opportunity to connect with these countries and strengthen the cultural bond.
  • It is noteworthy that the Nordic Baltic 8 countries such as Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden are geographically and historically linked together through business, culture and many common and diverse cost systems.
