International Week of Solidarity with Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories

International Week of Solidarity with Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories

Question: Which organisation is celebrating International Week of Solidarity with Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories from May 25 to 31, 2021?
a) United Nation
b) African Union
d) None of the above
Ans: a

  • United Nations is observing “International Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories” from May 25 to 31, 2021.
  • In the UN Charter, a Non-Self-Governing Territory is defined as a Territory “whose people have not yet attained a full measure of self-government.”
  • Chapter XI of the UN Charter provides for “Declaration regarding Non-Self-Governing Territories”.
  • The charter provides that, member states who are administering non-self-governing Territories, shall recognize the interests of inhabitants of these Territories are paramount.


  • In 1946, several UN Member States identified a number of Territories under their administration that were not self-governing and placed them on a UN list. Countries administering Non-Self-Governing Territories are called administering Powers. As a result of the decolonization process over the years, most of the Territories were removed from the list.

By kameshwar shukla
