Networked Readiness Index-2016

Networked Readiness Index 2016

Question: Recently the World Economic Forum has released the Networked Readiness Index-2016 as part of its annual Global Information Technology Report (GITR). Which of the following country has been ranked first in the Index?
(a) Finland
(b) Switzerland
(c) Sweden
(d) Singapore
Ans: (d)
Related facts:

  • On 6 July 2016 World Economic Forum has released the Networked Readiness Index-2016 as part of its annual Global Information Technology Report (GITR).
  • The Global Information Technology Report assesses the state of networked readiness of 139 economies using the Networked Readiness Index (NRI).
  • The index assesses the factors, policies and institutions that enable a country to fully leverage information and communication technologies (ICTs) for increased competitiveness and well-being.
  • The 2016 edition of the Networked Readiness Index ranked Singapore as the highest-placed country in the world when it comes to networked readiness.
  • Finland, which topped the ranking in 2014, remains in second place for a second year in a row.
  • The list is followed by Sweden (3rd), Norway (4th) and the United States (5th), which climbed two places.
  • Other countries which are include in the top 10 are the Netherlands(6th), Switzerland(7th), the United Kingdom(8th), Luxembourg(9th) and Japan(10th).
  • India has been ranked 91st in the Networked Readiness Index-2016.
  • Despite of improvements in its political and regulatory environment (78th, up four) and in its business and innovation environment (110th, up five), India slips down two positions to an overall rank of 91.
  • In year 2015 India was ranked 89th in the list.
  • India’s position on the list has come down for the fourth year in a row, from 89th in 2015, 83rd in 2014 and 68th in 2013.
  • Among the India’s neighbouring country Sri Lanka-63rd, Bhutan-87th, Pakistan -110th, Bangladesh-112nd and Nepal-118th.
  • India (91st) is ranked the lowest among the BRICS nations- Russia (41st), China (59th), South Africa (65th) and Brazil (72nd).
  • Malaysia leads the Emerging Asian economies in 2016 and moves up one spot to 31st position overall.
  • The United Arab Emirates (26th) and Qatar (27th) continue to lead the Arab world in networked-readiness.
  • The sub-Saharan African countries among the top upward movers, including South Africa (65th, up 10), Ethiopia (120th, up 10) and Cote d’Ivoire (106th, up 9).
  • Europe remains at the technology frontier; seven of the top 10 NRI countries are European.
  • The Global Information Technology Report series and the Networked Readiness Index (NRI) were launched by the Geneva based World Economic Forum in 2001.
