Tamil Nadu Government to celebrate Ramaswamy Periyar’s birth anniversary as social justice day

Tamil Nadu Government to celebrate Ramaswamy Periyar's birth anniversary as social justice day

Question : Which State Government willcelebrate Periyar’s birth anniversary as Social Justice day?
(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Kerala
(c) Telangana
(d) Karnataka
Answer : (a)
Related Facts :

  • TN Government will celebrate Periyar’s birth anniversary as social justice day on 17 September.
  • The government has decided to celebrate the leader’s birth anniversary every year to serve as a symbolic reinforcement of his egalitarian principles.
  • The Chief Minister recalled the services of Periyar (September 17, 1879–December 24, 1973) to the Tamil society.
  • Note :
  • World Day Of Social Justice is observed on February 20 every year.
  • The main objective of celebrating World Day of Social Justice is to raise a voice againstsocial injustice and to bring the various communities internationally together to eliminate poverty, gender, and physical discrimination, illiteracy, religious discrimination to make a socially integrated society.


Reference: https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/chennai/tn-govt-celebrate-periyars-birth-anniversary-social-justice-day-7491947/