Visit of President of Maldives to India

Visit of President of Maldives to India

Question: Name the President of Maldives who was on an Official visit to India on April 10-11, 2016?
(a) Mohamed Nasheed
(b) Abdulla Yamin Abdul Gayoom
(c) Dunya Maumoon
(d) Dr. Mohammed Saini
Ans (b)
Related facts:

  • The President of Maldives, Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom was on an Official visit to India on April 10-11, 2016.
  • His Official delegation includes Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dunya Maumoon, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture Dr. Mohamed Shainee and three Members of the Maldivian Parliament.
  • President Yameen’s first State visit after assumption of Office was to India in January 1-4, 2014.
  • Both countries have historically had a close relationship.
  • India was among the first to recognise Maldives after its independence in 1965 and to establish diplomatic relations with the country.
  • India and Maldives signed a trade agreement in 1981, which provides for export of essential commodities
  • Growing from modest beginnings, India-Maldives bilateral trade now stands at Rs.700 crores
  • Indian exports to the Maldives include agriculture and poultry produce, sugar, fruits, vegetables, spices, rice, wheat flour (Atta), textiles, drugs and medicines, a variety of engineering and industrial products, sand and aggregate, cement for building etc.
  • Indian imports primarily scrap metals from the Maldives.
  • The programme in Delhi for President Yameen’s visit also included a meeting and working lunch with Prime Minister on April 11, 2016.
  • List of Agreements/MoUs signed during the visit of President of Maldives to India on April 11, 2016.
  • The Agreement to avoid double taxation of income derived from international air transport.
  • Agreement for the Exchange of Information with respect to Taxes.
  • Bilateral Agreement related to Orbit Frequency Coordination of “South Asia Satellite” proposed at 48 degree East.
  • Agreement for Cooperation in the area of conservation and restoration of ancient mosques and joint research and exploratory surveys in Maldives.
  • Agreement on cooperation in the field of Tourism.
  • Agreement for Defence Cooperation.
