India registered its highest ever annual FDI Inflow

India registered its highest ever annual FDI Inflow

Q. Consider the following statements regarding FDI Inflow in India-

  1. Since 2014 the FDI inflow in India has increased year after year.
  2. The FDI inflow dropped significantly in the year of 2020-2021 due to pandemic.
    Which of above statement/ s is /are true?

    a) Only 1
    b) Only 2
    c) Both 1 &2
    d) None of these
    ANSWER:- a)
  • Make in India is an initiative which was launched on 25thSeptember, 2014 to facilitate investment, foster innovation, build best in class infrastructure, and make India a hub for manufacturing, design, and innovation.
  • Development of a robust manufacturing sector continues to be a key priority of the Indian Government.
  • It was one of the first ‘Vocal for Local’ initiatives that exposed India’s manufacturing domain to the world.
  • The sector has the potential to not only take economic growth to a higher trajectory but also to provide employment to a large pool of our young labour force.
  • Make in India initiative has made significant achievements and presently focuses on 27 sectors under Make in India 2.0. Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade is coordinating action plans for manufacturing sector, while Department of Commerce is coordinating service sector.
  • India has registered its highest ever annual FDI Inflow of US $81.72 billion (provisional figure) during the last financial year 2020-21 as compared to US $ 45.15 billion in 2014-2015.
  • In the last seven financial years (2014-20), India has received FDI inflow worth US$ 440.01 billion which is 58 percent of the FDI reported in the last 21 years (US$ 763.58 billion).
  • Year wise FDI inflow since 2014 is given in below table-
Sl. No.YearFDI (in US$ billions)
62019-20 (P)74.39
72020-21 (P)81.72
  • (P): Data is Provisional. Subject to reconciliation with RBI